On Jun 21 members of Girl Scout Troop 12019 accompanied members of VFW Post 7174 to the Chillicothe VA Medical Center to visit veterans in long term care at the facility. The girls met veterans in the day room of their ward and served pizza and snacks. After the day room gatherings, the staff escorted the girls to veterans unable to attend the gathering so every medically able veteran had the opportunity to enjoy a snack, meet, and talk with the girls.  The girls' enthusiasm was contagious and soon the veterans were sharing stories and listening to the girls' stories, visiting as if they'd known each other for years.  Prior to departing each location, the girls thanked the veterans for their service and welcomed them home, smiles abounded.

A big Thank You to Girl Scout Troop 12019 for their participation, the visit was a great success and was enjoyed by VA staff and veterans alike. These visits are part of VFW Post 7174's continued support for our veterans, the VA, and lets the veterans know that we still care and are grateful for their service and appreciate their sacrifice.